Tuesday, March 6, 2012

from the heART: kids really do say the darnest things

I began teaching Sunday school over a year ago now and the kids each and every week never fail to put a huge smile on my face. This past Sunday as the kids were coming in and joining our circle our discussion turned to names. We started talking about each of their full names, first, middle and last. But that seems boring, so instead I asked them "if you could change your name to anything, what would it be?" The girls sat and thought about it for a second, and Kate decided she would want to go by Grace, while Natalie said she would like be called Samantha because then she could also go by Sammy or Sam.

The boys all remained pretty quite and that didn't seem fair, so I called one of them out "Hey Ryan, if you could change your name, what would you like be called?" Without even a hesitation in sight he stated very matter of factly "Bruce." I have no clue where or how he came up with that name, but I loved it!

If that wasn't enough excitement for our class for one day, well Thomas hadn't yet sown up. Yet once he did, he came in with a fury. As he approached our circle it was clear that he had either been crying a whole lot OR as he put so nicely as he sat down "I HAVE PINK EYE!" My follow up question "Oh that's interesting, are you on medication?" "Nope." Followed immediately with a thought of, Oh my, OK class, no one touch Thomas or your eyes and let's just pass around this hand sanitizer, you know, just for fun. Well I am happy to report that its been two days and my eyes feel just fine, so here's hoping that is the same for all the kids in class that day.

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