Tuesday, February 28, 2012

from the heART: we were running

Months ago my sister, mom and I signed up for the Nashville full marathon taking place this April. Our training schedule started out quite mild. A 3 mile run here, 5 miles there, nothing we couldn't handle but has since worked up to 17 miles this past Saturday which was no easy feat. I will say that the first 10 miles actually were not to painful and I might even venture to say easy.

(This is the part of the story where I realized that I am a judgmental runner and as my mom and I crossed paths with other runners I mentally noticed that I would judge them. Whether it was for noticing that they were really sweaty and struggling or that it looked as if it took them longer to get ready for the run, then the actually time they probably spend running at all.)

Anyways, as I was saying, the first 10 miles, not so bad, but we still had 7 more miles to go. And with every passing mile, I slowly became one of those struggling runners. The one who is barely putting one foot in front of the other, grimace on the face, looks like I learned to walk the day before and wanting so badly to yell at those around "WE ARE ON MILE 15!"

That's when it really truly dawned on me, I have no clue what so ever what mile or workout routine others have and I really should leave my judgey thoughts behind and just assume that maybe they too are on their 17 mile and applaud them for running at all.

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