Friday, April 20, 2012

from the heART: the turkinator

If I didn't have dog fever before, I certainly do now. Spend just 5 minutes with Turkey dog, yes that really is his name, and you too will have dog fever. Turkey, Turkinator, Turks, whatever you call him, he will still be one of the sweetest, spastic, loveable pups ever. 

My sister and her new husband (as of this past Saturday!) moved to Hawaii which has given our family the pleasure of housing their two dogs before they are able to make their way over to the islands. If his looks weren't enough to win you over, his bag-o-tricks surely would be enough. Of course he has the classics down: sit, stay, and down. BUT if you tell him to "gobble" oh yes he barks! AND if you shoot him with a "bang, bang" he growls and rolls over on his back.

Turkey totally has my heart and I will be sad to see him go. Well, oh shucks, I suppose I'll just have to plan a trip to Hawaii. Oh well, what are you going to do.

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