Thursday, August 22, 2013

from the heART: pay for the next person in line

Number 57: pay for the next person in line

Today I woke up late, didn't have time to wash my hair, threw on some clothes and rushed out the door. Not feeling very put together or well rested, today started as one of those days that I just wasn't feeling great about. 

I decided I needed a coffee pick me up over my lunch break. Conveniently located about two minutes from work, is a cute little white wood Starbucks house that has a drive through. After placing my order I thought to myself, if I'm not having the best day, it could be similar for those around and spreading a little love is just what this Thursday needed. Pulling up to the window to pay for my coffee, I asked if I could pay for the car behind me. I have no idea who it was and it really doesn't matter. It's like the header on this blog states, I simply wanted to share a little of life's random hidden treasures. 

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