Monday, June 4, 2012

from the heART: it's pie time

Number 42: make a homemade pie from scratch

The inspiration for my 101 list came from my older sister who made a list and she made a list because my sister in law made a list. As our lists would have it, some of our items happened to be the same, including making a pie from scratch. So I was delighted when my sister in law wanted to complete this one together. 

I am going to honest and not at all humble for a moment and make the bold statement that our pie turned out awesome and tasted even better. However, to bring me back down now, I will follow that with, I had no idea just how easy pie baking actually is. This realization made me question why this was the first time I have attempted pie baking and wonder why I haven't been making pies for years. Lesson quickly learned: bake more pies!


Sasha said...

Isn't pie making FABULOUS!!! I love it! P.S. Your pie looks pretty darn amazing for being your first pie. Maybe you've got a future in this pie making thing :)

nicole said...
