Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blog Post Challenge: From the heART

I love art. I love design. However, I recently decided that I do not have enough of each, art and design, happening in my life on a regular basis. This thought easily paved the way to the challenge that I have decided to embark upon which is this: create something art/design related everyday for a year. Whether it might be trying a new painting technique, crafting a gift for someone, or even designing something in the kitchen such as a cake, it does not matter as long as there is some sort of artsy element happening. The medium of this project is not the concern, but I know that I need/want to be creating more in my everyday life. It will be a challenge for sure but I am excited and up for the task.

I have also decided that the projects not being done for someone else already, will but able to be purchased. So if you see something that catches your eye, just send me a message with an offer to buy and the piece will be yours.

Hope that you all will enjoy this challenge as much as I think I am going too. And if nothing else comes from this project, I hope that someone sees a post that in turn inspires them to create something of there own.

Happy creating!

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