I'm not saying that I want to be best friends with the guy that lives above us in our condo but I would like to think that as far as friendly communication goes, it could be better. Tonight as I was leaving home, my neighbor was coming home and it should go without saying that our paths crossed. We had the common quick interaction with which he led "Hey, how's it going?" To which I began my reply of "Good, how are......." but before I could even finish, he simply cut me off with "Good." and continued right on by. Like I said, I don't have a desire to be best friends with the guy but it did sadden me to think that is how many of our daily interactions occur. From co-workers, to cashiers, to servers, to those you just happen to pass by, it is all the same. I like to believe that the relationships I have built with those in my life go deeper than the casual surface conversations. I do value my relationships deeply and feel blessed everyday for those in my life. And as a personal goal I would like to become a better listener in hopes of having more meaningful conversations with those I interact with on a daily basis.