Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 8: From the heART

So as I have found out, blogging is not easy and obviously I have not been as diligent as I would have liked. However, I am really going to try much harder and again try to post something each day. Round two here we go...

For the past eight years or so I have had the pleasure of house sitting for the Delongs. And there is much to see nature wise and today in particular it was perfect lighting with flowers in bloom. So I grabbed my camera and took a few shots of these beautiful orange blossoms. Luckily enough a little bee decided to jump into a frame.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 7: From the heART

I am lucky enough to spend hours a day with two wonderfully, spirited kids. Taylor and Kennedy bring much laughter and joy to my life and I really feel blessed to be apart of their family. Each day between snack time, walks around the block, and just playing, we find time to squeeze in some art. Today our medium was paint and boy was Taylor thrilled! In turn, so was I to see the creations they made. Taylor's painting depicts a multitude of transformers while Kennedy's is more of an abstract finger paint. Each is delightfully vibrant in their own respect and I see many more works of art in both of their futures.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 6 : From the heART

Watercolor is a medium that I have only scratched the surface of using but I would love to become better versed in all its glory. There are many ways to utilize the material in amazing ways. I found this idea from a tutorial on This attempt is a weak one at best and I will definitely be re-visiting it in the future.

My friend was a trooper on this project and I invited him to join in on the fun. He came up with a great idea and I love that he did not even hesitate when I asked if he wanted to create art. Here is what we came up ... Mine is the lame and very uncreative bird with leaves, while his is the roots, which spell out "VINCE", his moms maiden name. Not too shabby for amateurs?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 5 : From the heART

Again the inspiration was my roommate with a little help from Flowers in the hair, on headbands, on clips and much more, they have been showing up everywhere. Honestly, I love it! They are able to just add that little pop of color to a look and being able to make them by hand was great.

Shout out to my wonderful roommate for the constant inspiration!