Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 4 : From the heART

I have been blessed with wonderful family friends in my life who have and continue to support me in all my endeavors, including my dream of starting a custom made invitation business. A wonderful friend, Mary, recently asked me to create a wedding shower invitation for a party she is hosting.

The wedding and shower are taking place in the fall which is where we pulled inspiration from for the color scheme. The vellum paper and brads add nice touches to the fun yet tailored invites. Hope all the invitees enjoy the invitations as much I did making them!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 3 : From the heART

Today's inspiration came from one of my amazing roommates. She is a bridesmaids in a friends upcoming wedding and has started to create some pom poms for bridal shower decorations. They turned out so well that I decided they would be the perfect way to add a splash of color to my bedroom.

I constructed two myself today and hung them in the corner of my room and presto ... the perfect little addition of color to help tie in the red in my room.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 2 : From the heART

Tonight the fun came in the form of a kebab dinner. The colors and textures in food are super engaging and a lot can happen. The purples from the onion, the yellow from the peppers, there are endless possibilities. The look is beautiful and the taste was even better. My wonderful brother was kind enough to provide the scrumptious corn and the kebab recipe was found online.

If I do say so myself, the chicken marinade made the meal! Its recipe consisted of the simple ingredients as follows: 1 cup lemon juice, 1/2 cup of olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 8 torn basil leaves. Yum yum yum!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 1 : From the heART

Today is the first day of my challenge and I have to say I took the easy way out on this one. My day was pretty packed but I knew that I could not fail on my first day. I bought this mirror the other day at Hobby Lobby and boy was it a find! It was on super clearance and I snagged it for only $6 dollars! Might I just add its original price was $59.99! Best deal ever...

However, its colors did not quite speak to me or that of the house decor. So I figured I'll paint it! And that is what I did for my project today. The color of choice, obviously gold and I think it now ties into its surrounding much better. A lot less formal and adds a bit of charm to the house.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blog Post Challenge: From the heART

I love art. I love design. However, I recently decided that I do not have enough of each, art and design, happening in my life on a regular basis. This thought easily paved the way to the challenge that I have decided to embark upon which is this: create something art/design related everyday for a year. Whether it might be trying a new painting technique, crafting a gift for someone, or even designing something in the kitchen such as a cake, it does not matter as long as there is some sort of artsy element happening. The medium of this project is not the concern, but I know that I need/want to be creating more in my everyday life. It will be a challenge for sure but I am excited and up for the task.

I have also decided that the projects not being done for someone else already, will but able to be purchased. So if you see something that catches your eye, just send me a message with an offer to buy and the piece will be yours.

Hope that you all will enjoy this challenge as much as I think I am going too. And if nothing else comes from this project, I hope that someone sees a post that in turn inspires them to create something of there own.

Happy creating!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This past weekend I met with my client to go over my rough sketches of the seasonal paintings. There were a few changes that needed to be made and after our meeting I started sketches for a more final draft. This is where I am right now and will have another meeting before starting on the canvas. Really looking forward to getting started painting. Hope the next meeting goes as well as the first!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I have been working on developing a logo for In the Mood Designs. Here are some ideas that have been thrown around and I think I am getting closer and almost there. I am heading in the direction of the top left design. Still needs some tweaks here and there but excited about where its all leading. I'll keep updating as it progresses, so make sure to stop back in!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I recently was commissioned to do a four panel painting depicting the four seasons for a little girls room. Here are some very rough sketches of what I have come up with so far. It has already been so much fun coming up with ideas and I cannot wait to share them with the family and get started painting!

Almost finished! A few touch ups need to be done but getting closer by the day. It has taken some time to finish but we love how it is turning out and really enjoy the color it brings to our house. Maggie worked on the left panel, Kathleen the right, and I did the middle panel.